Yemen Coffee
Yemen coffee, a drink so fine
From the land of Yemen, it did shine
A flavour rich and full of life
It quickly became known as one of strife
With hints of chocolate and a nutty taste
It's a brew that can't be replaced
Grown on the mountainsides so high
It's no wonder it caught the eye
Of those who love a good cup of joe
Yemen coffee, you're the best, we know
So here's a toast to you, dear brew
May your history and flavour forever renew
In Yemen, coffee has a long and rich cultural history. It is an integral part of the country's social and economic fabric, with coffee being a key export and a source of pride for the nation.
One of the key elements of coffee culture in Yemen is the importance of the coffee ceremony, which is a ritual that involves the preparation and serving of coffee. This ceremony is a central part of social gatherings and is often an important aspect of business meetings.
The ceremony begins with the roasting of the coffee beans, which are typically roasted over a fire using a roasting pan. The beans are then ground using a mortar and pestle, and the resulting coffee grounds are placed in a traditional clay pot called a jezve. Water is added to the pot and the mixture is brought to a boil. The finished coffee is then poured into small cups and served to guests.
In addition to the coffee ceremony, coffee is also an important part of daily life in Yemen. It is often served at breakfast, and is also commonly consumed throughout the day as a pick-me-up or a way to socialise with friends and family.
Overall, coffee plays a significant role in the culture of Yemen, and is deeply intertwined with the country's history and traditions.

- Begin by gathering all of the necessary ingredients and equipment: green coffee beans, grinder, coffee pot, water, and any desired sweeteners or creamers.
- Begin by grinding the green coffee beans to a medium-fine grind, similar to the consistency of sand. The amount of coffee beans needed will depend on the size of your coffee pot and how strong you prefer your coffee.
- Next, heat a pot of water over medium heat until it reaches boiling.
- Once the water is boiling, add the ground coffee beans to a coffee pot or French press.
- Pour the hot water over the coffee beans and stir gently to ensure that all of the beans are fully immersed.
- Allow the coffee to steep for 4-5 minutes, or until it reaches your desired strength.
- Strain the coffee through a fine-mesh sieve or coffee filter to remove any remaining grounds.
- Serve the coffee hot, with any desired sweeteners or creamers added to taste. Enjoy!
City of Mocha!
One interesting story about coffee in Yemen involves the spread of coffee throughout the world. In the 16th century, a Yemeni Sufi mystic named Muhammad ibn Said al-Dhabhani traveled to the port city of Mocha and brought coffee seeds back to Yemen. He planted the seeds in his own garden and began cultivating coffee plants.
As word of the delicious and energising beverage spread, coffee began to be exported to other parts of the world. It quickly gained popularity in the Middle East, Europe, and beyond. Today, Yemen is still known for its high-quality coffee and is home to some of the oldest coffee plants in the world.